About Us
The publisher of GraceNotes is the Seventh-day Adventist ® Church in North America. It is a network of around 6,000 congregations comprised of 1.2 million members who worship with almost 18 million other Adventists in 200 countries around the world. It is a mainstream protestant church that not only runs a strong parish ministry, but the largest protestant education system K-16 in the world. Its health habits, as reported recently by National Geographic Magazine, give its members longevity beyond the norms of the general population. It is an evangelistic, hope-filled group of people who seek to add quality to every life they touch.
The Center for Creative Ministry is the GraceNotes content coordinator for the Seventh-day Adventist ® Church in North America. The Center has conducted research, developed Web content, videos and print material as well as provided training events across Bermuda, Canada and the United States for the past two decades.
What is a Seventh-day Adventist?